
推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台是成人高等教育的先驱. 每年, we enroll / 3,000 学生 in our undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degree programs. 


推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台(CC), 一个私人, 非营利性机构, has been a leader and pioneer in adult learning for more than 50 years. 主校区在波士顿, 麻萨诸塞州, 在圣胡安有一个区域中心, 波多黎各, 剑桥大学 provides educational opportunities that prepare learners to succeed in a competitive global economy, 提升他们的社区,促进社会正义.

Over 65 percent of our 学生 represent ethnically and racially diverse communities. 我们总共讲55种语言,代表98个国家.


推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台提供高质量的教育, convenience and accessibility you need to make your academic and career dreams a reality.

The superior caliber of our programs has been recognized by a number of industry organizations. We've also received acclaim for the outstanding value we offer 学生: the result of pairing our high-quality programs with affordable tuition. 我们很荣幸获得这些荣誉,其中包括:

  • 美国自闭症/ABA硕士推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台.S.,从ABA学位课程
  • #4 Best Value in Applied Behavioral Analysis Doctoral Program in the U.S.,从ABA学位课程
  • 最具价值的教育硕士课程,来自教师.(马萨诸塞州仅有的5所获得此称号的学院之一)
  • Best Bachelor's Degree Colleges for the Money in New England (#15 out of 110), from College Factual
  • Top 30% of Online Bachelor's Degree Programs in the country (#104 out of 360), from U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道

Our innovative teaching and learning model enables you to meet the challenges of higher education to earn the credentials needed to accelerate your career.

每年, / 3,000名学生报名参加我们的本科, 硕士, doctoral and professional degrees and in our advanced certificate programs.

我们的课程有多种形式, 包括校园, 在线(异步), 远程(通过Zoom)和混合. 因为我们的课程是为有工作的成年人量身定制的, 大部分课程安排在晚上和周末, while our asynchronous online courses can be taken when they best fit into 学生' busy lives.

We offer more than 100 programs through our schools; the School of Arts & 理学院,商学院 & 技术,教育学院 & Counseling and through our industry-leading online division, 剑桥大学 Global.

"For me as an immigrant, I never imagined that I would get a degree in the United States…. 我没有很多钱,也没有很多时间. 我刚刚做了一个梦…….推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台是一个完美的地方. 这是一个正确的决定."

医学院调整 & 心理健康咨询2020


剑桥大学 believes that education is the foundation of the American dream and that no one should be denied access based on economic barriers or societal constraints.

剑桥大学’s tuition is less than the cost of the average nonprofit four-year college.

We provide helpful information and resources to assist in making your 剑桥大学 education affordable and attainable, 我们将继续致力于保持低学费.

除了保持我们的学费是最实惠的, 剑桥大学 offers a range of scholarships and financial aid options to 学生 who meet the eligibility requirements. In fact, we provide financial aid to more than 60 percent of our 学生.

Explore the array of financial aid and scholarship opportunities we offer to help you earn your degree. 审查财政援助方案.


剑桥大学 offers a dynamic and inclusive culture where you will share a classroom with peers who will benefit from the rich experience and perspective you bring to the classroom, 就像你会从他们那里受益一样.

Our expert faculty respect and leverage the diverse skills and experiences of our 学生. We value the life skills and abilities that our 学生 bring into the classroom because we believe that life experience is an asset – not a liability.

The diversity of our community spans age, background, ethnicity, and work experience. Our inclusive culture provides a positive and productive educational experience to complement and extend classroom learning.

In addition to being a designated Hispanic-Serving Institution, we have been ranked as:

  • 美国第七所最具种族多样性的大学 最佳大学评论
  • 最适合拉丁裔的50所大学之一 拉丁裔领袖杂志
  • One of the top institutions in Gender Leadership Parity in 麻萨诸塞州, according to the EOS Foundation Study on Women's Power Gap in Higher Education





We're a small school with a large reach and a big impact that values group learning and peer interaction. 在这里,学生们互相学习,互相挑战. Our talented faculty bring their expert professional experiences to bear in the classroom.

We strive to unlock valuable educational opportunities for 学生 and offer a range of academic support services for student success such as:

  • 一对一的学生咨询和教师指导
  • 免费的辅导
  • 数学和写作的评估和支持
  • 语言课程


BCBA考试通过率高:我们的 MEd自闭症/行为分析师推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台 prepares 学生 to meet course requirements to sit for the BCBA examination. The exam pass rate for first-time test takers for 剑桥大学 graduates has averaged 85% over the last 5 years, 明显高于全国平均水平65%.

MTEL通过率: 2020-21学年, 81% of 剑桥大学 graduates of MEd Initial Licensure programs successfully completed all 麻萨诸塞州 Tests for Educator License (MTELs). 2018-2019年的比例为98%,2019-20年的比例为94%.

热门MBA推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台: 剑桥大学’s MBA program was ranked #16 in Boston Business Journal’s list of “Largest MBA Programs in 麻萨诸塞州.”

军事的好处: 我们已被公认为 军事友好®学校 连续13年. 另外, we provide a number of benefits and discounts for military servicemembers, 退伍军人, 以及他们的家人.

推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台是 认证 by 新英格兰高等教育委员会 (NECHE)和推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台的所有课程都是由剑桥大学教育委员会授权的 马萨诸塞州高等教育系.
